Equipment Plans

This section features a condensed list of all the plans I have currently made. Most of these plans use 7/8ths pine (barn board) as is common in Canada. If you have any requests for equipment feel free to ask. If I save you some money, time, and/or frustration please send me a donation (button on the left). Proceeds are used in developing equipment, coffee, and cigarettes. Thanks and Enjoy.

Ten Frame

Deep - Standard Deep Box using 7/8. Commonly used for brood boxes. (I run all deeps).
Deep (Minimal Tools) - Created for Bill Reynolds, a deep box that requires only basic tools to create, and no fancy joinery. 

Medium - Plans only. If you need instruction refer to the tutorial for the Deep box.

Top Cover - Insulated - Fairly easy project, provides R-8.75 thermal protection.(going to edit these dimensions, they work but I want to tighten it up a bit).

Bottom Board - Screened - Can be made from scrap lumber, reversible
Bottom Board - Solid - Reversible bottom board, 3/4 and 3/8 entrances.
Bottom Board - Combination -  Easy to put together combination bottom board without spending a fortune.

Entrance Reducer
Swarm Trap - Uses the Deep (Minimal Tools) plan modified with suggestions by Tim Ives.

Nuc Boxes / Queen Castles

5 Frame Nuc - standard five frame nuc box, top cover, and bottom board.
6 Frame Nuc - for use in conjunction with Honeydrunk exclusive Queen Castle, or on its own.

Queen Castle - Four Compartment, by Two Frames . Shows two variations, one standard box dimension as well as one non standard box height.
Queen Castle - Three Compartment, by Three Frames. Plan only, see above tutorial for construction details.
Queen Castle -  Honeydrunk Exclusive. Four Compartment, by Three Frames. Can be converted to Six Frame Double Nuc, with Six Frame Nuc Boxes able to sit on top. Honeydrunk Original!


Frame - Shoulder-less - useful for uncapping in a honey super, or narrow frame beekeeping. Easy to build.
Frame - Queen Rearing Cell Bar - used in queen rearing applications, to place grafted larvae into. Then placed into a cell building colony.

Unless otherwise noted, all these plans are of my own design. Feel free to use and share but give credit where credit is due. If I save you some money, feel free to donate cash, bees, queens, equipment, coffee, and/or cigarettes to keep up this work.

Copyright 2014 - Andrew Pember (Honeydrunk Apiaries)

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour
    Merci pour ses plans. Très beau et précis. Ça fait gagner du temps effectivement.
    Pour ma part je suis sur la norme européenne, en Langstroth
    Merci encore.
